Only two of the Lancer regiments had special insignia on their shabracques before 1899. The 9th and the 16th Lancers. After studying hundreds of photos and illustrations, it is very difficult to ascertain what kind of horse furniture a regiment had and when it was used. It is certain that apart from the Drum Banners, most regiments do not appear to have additional accoutrements in the latter part of the 19th century. The drum horses themselves provided much pride and affection in the regiment, but with constant moving from station to station, shipping out to India or Egypt, not much attention was paid to the horse’s accoutrements. Special bridles and horse furniture were much more common in the first decade of the 20th century.
In addition to the shabracques of the 9th and 16th Lancers we have shown one used by the 21st Lancers. It was certainly obtained well after the turn of the century but remains a very good example of such an item during that period.
The bridles shown below are also more likely to have been used after the turn of the century. I have seen no evidence of a bridle plume for the 12th Lancers before 1900 and the 17th Lancers are occasionally shown with a white one. The red over white plume on the 16th Lancers harks back to the time the Lancer cap plume was red and white before 1883.
This is the conclusion of the Victorian Lancer series.
Look out for our new series of the Household Cavalry
coming at the end of March 2019